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Stringent action taken against erring chemists across Kashmir

Last Updated on August 23, 2021 at 6:00 pm

In order to curb the illegal sale of Psychotropic/Habit forming drugs, a special drive was held across various districts of Kashmir by the Department of Drug and Food Control Organisation (D&FCO).

The drive was conducted on the directions of Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole, and in this regard D&FCO Govt. of J&K had constituted various teams in collaboration with the Legal Metrology department to carry out comprehensive market checking of drug sale establishments.

The drives were conducted in districts including Budgam, Baramulla, Anantnag, Ganderbal, Pulwama, Shopian, Kulgam and Kupwara.

During the drive, 163 establishments were inspected 11 show cause notices were issued to the Retail/Wholesale establishments of which 07 were closed down on spot for various violations vis-à-vis non-maintenance of sale and purchase records, improper storage of drugs, unhygienic conditions of premises and non-issuance of bills/ cash memos.

Also licenses of 5 shops were suspended and a total fine of Rs.42, 800 was imposed. The stakeholders were directed to maintain records of Psychotropic/Habit forming properly and on spot instructions were issued to the license holders for strict adherence to the SOPs of the license.

The Chemists were again warned and given strict instructions to maintain sale and purchase records of various Psychotropic drugs properly, to maintain storage conditions of the drugs as per their requirement and issue bills/ cash memos regularly.