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Suspended civil judge reinstated by High Court on humanitarian grounds

Last Updated on July 27, 2021 at 3:16 pm

The suspension order of Civil Judge Imtiyaz Ahmad Lone who was earlier suspended by the court has been rescinded.

The suspension has been rescinded by the High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh on ‘humanitarian grounds’ taking into consideration about his serious health issues. An order was passed by the Registrar General of the High Court of J&K and Ladakh Jawad Ahmed.

Lone would be reinstated and will be paid full salary from the date of his reinstatement.

Imtiyaz Ahmad Lone was suspended on December 31, 2020 because a complaint was lodged against him by Bar Association. After his suspension, the sub-judge has been attached with the office of Registrar Judicial, Srinagar Wing of the High Court.

Another similar case happened where, the Uttarakhand High Court had reinstated the then Civil Judge (Sr. Div.), Almora, Abhishek Kumar Srivastava. He was suspended allegedly on the grounds of using private vehicles which belonged to an accused Chandra Mohan Sethi for travelling purposes.