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Swine flu killed 4634 in India in 3 years, much more than COVID-19

Last Updated on April 2, 2020 at 8:30 am

While the world is worried over the increasing cases of Coronavirus across the globe, swine flu, another deadly virus that has killed 4634 people since 2016 is on prowl.

According to the official figures, as on February 2, at least 1132 people were infected with H1N1 and 18 people had succumbed to the virus in India. If we go by the record of three years, you would find that the swine flu has caused much more damage than we can imagine.

Since 2016 till now, more than a whopping 84,000 people were infected with swine flu across India out of which 4634 succumbed. In Jammu and Kashmir only, 667 people were infected with swine flu since 2016 and 67 people died of the disease.

While the precautions of swine flu are similar to that of Coronavirus, we have enlisted them below for patients:

An H1N1 infected patient should

Be informed about the illness.

Stay home for seven days, preferably isolate himself / herself in a well ventilated room.

Avoid common areas frequented by other family members of the family.

Wear mask all the time.

Disposable Triple layered mask should be used.

Avoid close contact with others.

Avoid having visitors.

Avoid hand shaking and wash hands frequently with soap and water.

Symptoms of Swine Flu

High grade fever not responding to antipyretics.

Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath

Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen

Sudden dizziness, Confusion

Severe or persistent vomiting.

Symptoms of Swine Flu in children

Fast breathing or difficult breathing

Bluish skin/lips/nails colour

Inability to drink enough fluids/ refusal of feeds


Irritability/persistent crying

High fever with rash/cold extremities


These signs/ symptoms needs to be identified early for immediate start of treatment and hospitalization. Most of the adverse outcomes occur because of late reporting of the cases to hospital. In particular, patients with co-morbid condition (Diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, immune-compromised status, Obesity etc.) need to be observed for worsening of symptoms