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Terrorists did not spare even 18-month old grand-daughter of slain Pulwama cop

Last Updated on June 30, 2021 at 5:31 pm

Heartbreaking information has come out from Pulwama’s brutal attack on a former Special Police Officer (SPO) and his family by terrorists who did not even spare a 18-month-old baby and kicked her as well as her mother.

Terrorists broke into the house of SPO Fayaz Ahmad Bhat and opened fire on him. Then they made his wife and their daughter the next target. In this terror attack, Fayaz, his wife and their daughter received serious injuries. Fayaz and his wife succumbed to their injuries at night, while their daughter, who was admitted to Government Medical College, Anantnag, also succumbed to her injuries early Monday morning.

Fayaz’s daughter-in-law who was forced to run to a safer place after terrorists kicked her and her baby said that she begged for their lives. “I dared not scream for fear of being shot like my in-laws were. I ran to another room after picking up my baby I screamed and cried only after the killers left”, she said.

During investigation it was known that Ahmad’s 18-month-old granddaughter and daughter-in-law were kicked ruthlessly by the terrorists. A senior officer said that terrorists kicked the infant away and committed their gruesome act.

Area has been sealed off by the Security forces and has launched a search operation to track down the assailants. Police said that two Jaish-e-Mohammad (JEM) militants, including a foreigner, were involved in the killing. Political parties in Jammu and Kashmir condemned the brutal killing.

Gruesome killing of the family has sent shock waves across the region.