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This Jammu girl design homes by unleashing her skills

Last Updated on April 5, 2022 at 1:44 pm

Covid-19 lockdown created huge challenges in people’s lives all over the world. But there are many young minds which converted the difficult times of Covid-19 lockdown into opportunities. Many youth and people of different age with their heroic acts lead a battle of Covid-19 lockdown bravely.

One such example comes from Jammu and Kashmir where a 23 year old girl helped design dream homes with her interior designing skill. Palak Verma from Jammu has her Youtube channel as well as works through a website to help design interiors of the homes not only in Jammu but in the United States of America (USA).

During lockdown she unleashed her creative ideas and explored her inner passion for interior designing and started guiding people free of cost how they can design their dream homes. Then she joined a website that would provide interior designing consultation to the USA where she got two orders and worked on them.

Verma told Greater Kashmir that her work was praised a lot and it was accordingly paid by the US-based firm. She further added that she was always interested in doing something of her own.

She further informed that through a Youtube channel she guides people regarding modern trends, colors and many more things which will help them design their home. She added that she use to provide information to people free of cost but now charges for the same and has planned her business well with architect as well.

“Nowadays people do not have enough time and hence, they hire us for the interior design of their rooms,” she says while hinting at the project under “house of interior associates” she is going to implement with her team and architect.