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Transfer rules flouted for blue-eyed boys in Civil Secretariat Jammu

Last Updated on March 8, 2022 at 1:32 pm

Throwing all rules to the wind, the government of Jammu and Kashmir has miserably failed to transfer several officials who have overstayed in Civil Secretariat Jammu.

It is despite several orders asking the transfer policy to be followed properly that some of the officials have not been transferred so far.

An official of J&K government informed that as per the policy, any official at the Civil Secretariat has to be transferred within a time gap of two to three years but there were many staff members who have jumped this period long ago.

Government Order No. 861-GAD 0f 2010 dated July 28, 2010 by the Finance Department states “General Administration Department and Finance Department has failed to maintain the efficiency of Transfer Policy which was issued vide Government Order no. 861-GAD of 2010 dated 28-07-2010 under reference vide Cabinet decision no. 156/12/2010 dated 27.07.2010”.

The order states “In suppression of all previous orders and circular instructions on the subject, it is hereby ordered that the departments shall make transfers of Government Employees strictly in conformity with the Transfer Policy forming annexure to this order”.

Order also clarifies that the minimum tenure of a J&K government employee on a post shall be two years and maximum of three years. The maximum tenure of posting in respect of important projects which are required to be completed in a time bound manner may be extended up to five years if continuation of any officers considered necessary.  

It has been learnt that the officials who are close to the higher ups have been able to overstay despite their tenure ending years ago.

A source in Civil Secretariat said that specific orders for retention of the officers in such cases beyond a period of three years shall be issued with the approval of the Minister In-charge and the reasons for the same shall be recorded.

There are some staffers who have continuously been working in the same department even for past two decades.

“Some of them have not even been transferred from last six years especially from Accounts Cadre whereas they are drawing their salary against leave reserve post which does not exist anywhere for non-gazetted and above all the concerning authorities are not taking any serious steps with the result they have now become the unproductive employees,” a source added.