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Trucks made to halt for many days at Srinagar-Jammu National highway

Last Updated on September 20, 2021 at 10:45 am

The drivers and tourist are facing immense difficulty to pass through the Toll Plaza at Qazigund. They have to wait for hours to pass through the Toll plaza. Truck Drivers have alleged that they are made to halt for many days at the Toll plaza and they are facing difficulties in carrying the stock of apples out of Kashmir.

Rafaqat Ahmad who has been stuck at the toll plaza said that when the tunnel was opened they thought that the situation will change as travel would be easy but ground reality is very different. He further added that it takes many days to reach Jammu via Srinagar-Jammu National Highway.

The truck drivers complained that going through National Highway has become difficult.
They also criticised the National Highway Authority of India for turning travel on the National Highway so rough.

One of the drivers said that the tunnel which was made has not provided any benefit to them and did not give them any relief and added that the Mughal Road is better than this. Ishfaq Ahmad, another truck driver said that he has been waiting at the Toll Plaza for the last more than 6 hours and they have no information regarding when they can move.

He further said that even after having a tunnel the road ahead of the Qazigund Toll Plaza is also in a bad shape leading to frequent long halts and added that the time of travel instead of decreasing has increased.

A tourist Anil Kumar said that the duration of frequent halts is resulting in a waste of time. He further said that he came to enjoy in the region and not to get stuck in traffic for long hours.

Rayees Ahmad, a truck driver from Anantnag carrying apple also said that he has been waiting for the last 2 days but has not so far been allowed to move ahead. It has been alleged by the drivers that there lack of basic facilities at the toll plaza and alleged that money is just wasted and are not putting in place arrangements for drinking water and basic facilities.