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ULB elections after delimitation of wards & reservation for OBCs: says LG Sinha

Last Updated on November 14, 2023 at 4:44 pm

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha today said that the elections for the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in Jammu and Kashmir would be held after the completion of delimitation exercise of wards and reservation of wards for Other Backward Classes (OBCs).

LG was speaking after felicitating councillors of the Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC), whose 5-year tenure ends today. Mayor Rajendra Sharma was present on the occassion.

The LG Commended all the councillors for selflessly serving people, fighting Covid pandemic & ensuring municipal services in respective areas.

Common public and elected representatives must work in synergy and focus on resource generation, he said.

Praising the centre, Sinha said; “Despite delayed implementation of 73rd and 74th amendments in J&K, under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the J&K UT Administration has ensured basic principles of decentralization of decision making and development by transferring more departments and works to elected representatives after August 2019.

Under the leadership of Modi, ULBs of J&K are provided with greater financial resources for strong and accountable self-government and to ensure holistic ecosystem for last-mile access to services, he said.

The Municipal Corporation is a symbol of the aspirations of the citizens in the 21st century. Urban governance inculcates spirit of cooperation among the citizens with ultimate aim of bringing transformation in urban development paradigm to fulfil people’s aspiration, the LG added.

Meanwhile, the outgoing Mayor, Rajendra Sharma along with JMC Commissioner, Rahul Yadav, yesterday inaugurated the newly constructed office building for Mayor, Deputy Mayor, conference hall for councillors, other supporting staff of the JMC.

The newly inaugurated conference hall has a capacity of 125 around the table and if chairs are placed at its sides it can even accommodate 300 persons and the entire structure has been raised with the expenditure of Rs. 2 crore.