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Viral Video of negligent driving:  MVD Udhampur seized vehicle, license to be suspended

Last Updated on April 17, 2022 at 7:53 pm

Recently a video became viral in which the driver of the bus from Udhampur to village Lander route was seen partaking the dangerous and distracted driving behaviour.

Motor Vehicle Department Udhampur took swift action against driver under the supervision of District Administration Udhampur the vehicle has been seized at ARTO office Udhampur for offence of dangerous driving and putting the precious human lives at risk which is grave contravention of Motor Vehicle act

However, the proceedings have been initiated for suspension of driving license of the driver and route permit as well. Moreover another vehicle from the same route has been seized at Police Station Pancheri for plying without documents in contravention to Motor Vehicle Act.

ARTO warned the drivers to strictly adhere with the rules and regulations of MVA. He added that the strict action would be taken against the defaulters for any violating any provisions of MVA.

Pertinent to mention here that District Administration track the events on Social Media and took prompt action against the grievance.