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Worsening condition of mass medications in Kashmir hospitals

Last Updated on April 11, 2022 at 5:34 pm

Hospitals in Jammu and Kashmir have left patients at a higher risk due to menace of mass medications which is not required by the patients.

As per reports, since a long period of time there has been no audit of prescriptions which has resulted in more cases of mass medications in hospitals. Moreover, supply of free medicines to doctors and medical corruption are allegedly the reasons for rising mass medications in hospitals.

A senior doctor at Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, told Greater Kashmir that lack of prescription audits and supply of free medicines has lead to rise in this problem.

A few senior doctors allegedly said that poor patients have to shell out much more than they ought to due to carelessness approach of doctors. Further they added that many patients are given low quality medicines which affect their health.

Another doctor from SKIMS Medical College, Bemina informed that alleged corrupt practices among some doctors have led to the rise of mass medication in Kashmir’s government-run hospitals.

Further doctor added that there are some doctors which remain in the hospitals begin to rob poor patients for their gains. Another group of doctors said that government should strictly check the credentials of many of these unethical doctors.

Meanwhile, recently, Jammu and Kashmir’s Health and Medical Education Department has constituted prescription audit committees at the Government Health Institutions across the Union Territory.

Also, group of doctors suggested that signatures and stamps of all doctors on their prescription should be made compulsory and added that in hospitals fair price medicine should be made mandatory and the prescription should only go out of the hospital if the medicine isn’t available at the fair price shop.

Moreover, the procurement of medicine by the hospitals (hospital supply) must be audited so that all hospitals procure those medicines which are more commonly prescribed for common ailments.