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Yamuna river after lockdown: A clean and beautiful water stream

Last Updated on August 6, 2020 at 7:19 pm

Environment is becoming cleaner owing to the Coronavirus lockdown in entire world. Yamuna river after lockdown also looks cleaner and purer.

An image of river Yamuna left the netizens spellbound as the river looked cleaner and blue in color due to absence of pollutants in the water stream.

Clean Yamuna is being attributed to the closure of industrial units in Delhi due to the lockdown that earlier used to dump their waste in the water stream.

Even vice-chairman of Delhi Jal Board Raghav Chadha said that effluents and other pollutants are not being discharged in Yamuna river after lockdown due to which the river has become clear and pollution free.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced a 21 day lockdown owing to increasing cases of Coronavirus in the country that could be halted only with social distancing. It is during this period that no pollution is being emitted from vehicles or industrial units. Even Himalayan mountains were visible from Punjab due to absence of pollution.

The lockdown has also given hope to the people across the world that environment has the ability to rejuvenate itself in a short duration if it is given an opportunity. It is perhaps for the first time after industrial revolution that no industry is operating in most developed countries of the world thus harmful gasses and other pollutants are not being released in the atmosphere.

Animals have also come out on streets and in cities across the world as they are reclaiming what was theirs. The lockdown has also given us hope of a better world if we come out of this rat race of industrial development and understand that there is a life beyond material goods – a life where we live in pure environment and with pure environment.

It is to be seen as to how the environment will take the load of pollution again after the lockdown ends.