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Young artists from Ladakh who are changing the landscape of winter tourism

Last Updated on March 7, 2022 at 4:37 pm

Cold desert Ladakh is one of the most exotic beauty ever one can witness and one of the most fascinating places on the earth. So are the people of Ladakh who are blessed with the unique talent. There is a group of artists ‘Kangsing-Snow and Ice Sculpture Association’ who have joined hands from different parts of Ladakh to form a team and take tourism of Ladakh to next level. With the help of their talent and style they are taking art form to the higher level.

With the help of tools like electric chainsaws and grinders for lopping off ice blocks from frozen rivers and lakes, different ice sculptures are made. This form of art of ice carving takes place in the higher reaches of Ladakh in the winter months, when temperatures hover between -25º and -30º Celsius.

Snow is found in abundance in Ladakh. These young artists decided to use snow and ice to create such unique and beautiful pieces of art which will attract tourist and many others. Artificial glaciers and ice stupas are often made by scientists and inventors, bringing in a revolution in agriculture and solving water problems. These young artists were highly attracted to use these huge gigantic ice stupas to turn them into works of art.

Kangsing team has participated in many international events and represented India proudly. Kangsing means the Snow Lion which is a celestial animal of Himalayan region, representing the snowy mountain ranges and glaciers of Himalaya.

Chemet Dorjay said that they have a huge dream to not only work with ice and snow from a particular region but also participate in world championships in ice carving but eventually, they want to hold them in Ladakh.

In 2018, a team of three young Ladakhi artists, Tsering Gurmet, Chemet Dorjay and Stanzin Khangsar—sculpted a 10-feet-high Changchup Chorten (symbolising the Buddha’s moment of enlightenment) out of ice.

This year, they organised the Ladakh Snow and Ice Sculpture Workshop 2022 in Chilling valley, along the frozen Zanskar River. This ‘first of its kind’ workshop was attended by 20-25 artists. Logistical support for participants came from the Ladakh Police, Ladakh Union Territory (UT) administration, Contractor Association of Ladakh, All Ladakh Hotel and Guest House Association, Department of tourism, and Ladakh Scouts regiment of the Indian Army.

This would increase Winter tourism in Ladakh, generate revenue and provide employment to many, who otherwise have zero activity during these months and go astray, especially the youth.