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Jammu University launches inquiry against professor who exposed “illegitimate” appointments

Last Updated on January 16, 2021 at 7:01 pm

Jammu University administration has called for an inquiry against a professor who unveiled alleged illegitimate appointments in the varsity. Prof Manoj Dhar, Vice-Chancellor, Jammu University launched an inquiry against Prof Vibhakar Mansotra and Vigilance Officer of the university was given the task.

Many serious allegations were lodged against the professor in the office of Vice Chancellor Jammu University. One of these allegations challenged professor’s legality of holding the present position.

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A senior professor said that there is a conspiracy against Prof Mansotra to not only humiliate him but also to make his complaint against Anik Gupta less effective. He added that registrar and Vice-Chancellor of the varsity should reply that why a well-represented letter was ignored, and there was action taken against an anonymous letter. Professor said that the Personnel Ministry has directed all the central government departments to not to take action on anonymous or pseudonymous complaints.

Earlier, Prof. Mansotra wrote letters to the Registrar, University of Jammu demanding inquiry into the appointment of Director, Centre for IT Enabled Services and Management. Prof Mansotra wrote that since the University was hell bent to remove him as Director of the Centre for IT, the University should have appointed a person of equal stature as the New Director. He wrote that the person who has been appointed as the New Director doesn’t have qualifications even for for the post of Assistant Professor in Computer Science and IT in a University/College.

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He complained that by removing him, the University has not only removed a Professor of Computer Science and IT, from the Post of Director but a person who is the Highest Qualified, Possessing M.Sc. & M.Phil degrees in Physics; P.G Diploma in Computer Applications; M.Tech in Computer Science (from IIT Delhi) and PhD in Computer Science and IT. To replace him, the University has appointed, an ineligible and very poorly qualified person with only B.Tech degree (i.e. a Graduate only) as Director IT.

Prof Mansotra demanded constitution of a committee to scrutinize appointment of Anik Gupta. This committee, he demands, should comprise of senior-most Professors of the University, including him also as a member, to fairly inquire the appointment of Anik Gupta.

Prof Mansotra also sent many reminders to the registrar to enquire any further update about his representation, but the University administration never cared to answer him.

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