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J&K govt frames bye-laws to facilitate smooth functioning of Municipal bodies

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 at 10:31 pm

As 20 years have been passed since enactment of Jammu and Kashmir Municipal Act, government authorities have framed bye-laws to facilitate smooth transaction of business by the Municipal Councils and Municipal Committees across the Union Territory.

Aspects like convening periodic meetings, passing resolutions, conducting No-Confidence Motion against President / Vice-President and procedure of business of Standing Committees have been discussed. It was done to establish that these Urban Local Bodies achieve their objectives.

It was also mentioned that any member of the Municipal Council or Municipal Committee will not use treasonable, seditious or defamatory words. J&K had enacted Jammu and Kashmir Municipal Act in 2000 but authorities largely ignored this matter after that. Successive Governments’ have consistently shown a lethargic attitude towards it.

However, current administration has seriously considered this matter and framed Jammu and Kashmir Municipality (Procedure and Conduct of Business) Bye-Laws 2021.

These bye-laws state that any member of the Municipal Council or Municipal Committee will be prohibited to make a personal charge against a member or officer or other employees of the Government or a Municipal Council or a Municipal Committee in speech made during any meeting.

Bye-laws mention that the President will have authority to remove any member or the public admitted to a meeting even by force, if he/she is found to interrupt or disturb the proceedings of meeting in any manner or indulges in activities which have not been permitted.

Every Municipal Council and Municipal Committee will have to hold at least one meeting in a month. General Municipal administration will be discussed during an ordinary meeting of a Municipal Council or a Municipal Committee and a special meeting will cover transaction of business of urgent public importance.

A member will have permission to ask question on any matter during the first half of an hour of every ordinary meeting regarding Municipal administration of the area. However, one will not be allowed to ask questions regarding matters which are not related to Municipal Council or Municipal Committee.

Moreover, questions must avoid ironical expressions, imputations, epithets or defamatory statement and personal remarks. For No-Confidence Motion, it is mentioned that whenever a notice is issued in this matter then a special meeting of elected Councillors will take place.