Jammu Municipal Corporation is facing a revenue loss of more than Rs 1.25 lakh every day as its officials are allegedly colluding with mafia and setting up illegal hoardings in Jammu city.
Government authorities are citing a pending litigation for this delay in allotment of advertising rights to the highest bidder. Some employees are allegedly having deals with private parties to squeeze profits out of this situation by allowing illegal hoardings within the Municipal limits.
Previous contract for advertising rights through hoardings and pole kiosks was expired in June last year. Government authorities called for fresh tenders from end of December till January 19, 2021. Rs 4 crores per year was selected as a base price for bidders with a contract period of five years.
Technical bid were to be allowed from January 22, 2021 after which financial bids could also be submitted by the participating firms. However, JMC opened financial bids after a time period of around two months when people started questioning their inefficiency.
However, even after JMC opened financial bids on March 19, still they didn’t allot sole advertisement rights to the highest bidder who is M/s Bright Neon Signs Pvt Ltd. They have put forward a rate of Rs 4.60 crores for first year and then increase it by 10 per cent every year. In this way, JMC will be receiving Rs 28.08 crores in revenue for five years.
Municipal authorities cited pending litigation with M/s Neon Signs Pvt Ltd and forwarded the matter to their Law Officer for a legal opinion. Sources informed that Law Officer didn’t have any problem with allotment of advertisement rights to the highest bidder as it was permitted to participate and bid.
Many allege that JMC authorities ignored their Law Officer’s opinion to delay the matter, JMC authorities set up a committee of officers so that they can recommend what actions should be taken in future regarding this matter.
The committee which comprised of Assistant Commissioner (Rev), JMC, Chief Accounts Officer, JMC and Sr Law Officer, JMC is responsible for recommending authorities what steps should they take in future regarding allotment of sole advertisement rights in Ward number 1 to 75 within Jammu Municipal Corporation.
There are allegations that this committee is formed to further delay legal allotment so that corrupt officials can make maximum money through illegal means.