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Many districts in Kashmir report zero vaccination due to supply shortage

Last Updated on May 16, 2021 at 11:43 am

As many districts of Kashmir failed to vaccinate even a single person on Saturday, vaccination drive in this part of nation is slowed down greatly. Kashmir vaccinated only 504 people across 10 districts yesterday. Srinagar district reported zero vaccination.

Sources said that people could not be vaccinated because they were not sent supplies in the last week. A senior official said that they received the last supply of vaccines on last Saturday. Those have been used and no stock is left, he said.

As covid cases are continuously increasing, Jammu and Kashmir administration extended lockdown till May 24. Only a few essential services are being allowed to run. Authorities have barricaded roads and sealed routes in and out of Srinagar city.

Many security personnel have also been deployed across the region to ensure that a strict lockdown is imposed. Many troops which were earlier deployed on election duty have also been sent to UT.

On Saturday, Jammu and Kashmir registered 3,677 COVID-19 cases and 63 deaths. Over 2.40 lakh cases have been registered in J&K with 3,090 deaths. 28 lakh vaccine doses have also been administered in Jammu and Kashmir by now. Most of these vaccines have been used on security forces and police.

Vaccination for people aged between 18 and 45 has been nothing but symbolic. The centres are able to administer only 300 shots to the 18+ every day which is minuscule considering the number of people who falls within this age bracket. The vaccination has been stopped for the age group for the time being.

Jammu has performed better in comparison to the valley. On Saturday, 14,000 people were vaccinated which is lesser than regular numbers. 3,677 new cases were registered in Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday with 63 single-day COVID-19 deaths. Out of these, 1,949 cases were reported from Kashmir division and remaining 1,728 in Jammu.

Out of 63 deaths, 37 were reported in Jammu and 26 from Kashmir causing total death count in valley to reach 3,090. Total active cases in J&K have crossed 50,000 mark. Out of these, 31,515 have been reported in Kashmir and 19,960 in Jammu. 4,140 COVID-19 patients have also recovered on Saturday leading total recoveries to 1,85,902.