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Kashmiri ‘scientist’ designs oxygen concentrator prototype

As covid infections are continuously rising in J&K and there is a dearth of medical oxygen and equipment, 60-year-old Mohammad Ismail Mir has produced an affordable prototype of an oxygen concentrator at his home.

Ismail recalls cheerfully that it took him around 20 days to produce this prototype. It functions similar to any other oxygen concentrator. His innovation provides oxygen and removes blockages if they are formed in it.

Upon being asked about the number of people his machine will be able to support, he says that it depends upon the kind of compressor and filter which is being used. If there is only one patient then small compressor and filters will be able to handle without much problem. In case there are more patients, then modifications are required in these parts.

The nation is going through a shortage of oxygen concentrators. Such locally made prototypes can help authorities in dealing with this problem. Mohammad said that his oxygen concentrator prototype costs between Rs 10,000 and Rs 15,000. He is hopeful that someone with resources will use his prototype in a project.

Mohammad Ismail is not formally educated at graduate level. He had to drop out after Class 12 because of poor financial conditions at home. However, his love for scientific innovations never ended. He has a huge interest in scientific equipment. Local people in his area call him ‘Newton’ upon seeing his interest in science.

Last year when first wave of Covid-19 was wreaking havoc, he designed a prototype of an automatic ventilator. Many experts in the industry greatly appreciated his innovation. Back in 2008, he also designed a lantern equipped with a motion sensor and a fire alarm installation.